Armand, a 6-year-old boy, accuses his best friend of overstepping his bounds in elementary school. The 97th Academy Awards category in 2025. Halfdan Ullmann Tøndel from the grandson of Ingmar German and Liv Ullman shows good potential, but despite its ambitious concept and strong moments, it fails to fully hold its own and is driven by a narrative that is uncertain. The intellectual battle between the school system and the studied psychological drama and themes of people who are unaware of much is a good concept, especially from a European perspective. With good camerawork and sound design, it helps create a claustrophobic setting and tension. The performances of the actors, especially Renate Reinsve, were excellent and realistic. Unfortunately, the film does not work because of the way the narrative is written and how chaotic it feels. Many of the writing components have good concepts but it didn’t work the surreal approach and it felt repetitive. It just got muddled as it went on. Making things a little hard to actually understand or connect with the characters or find them believable at times. I like stories like this in movies but the clunky writing and repetitive nature meant I couldn’t really connect with it. The direction from Tøndel is good, but at times, the direction gets a little misplaced and lost. Being a tight-lipped, the dialogue is a mix of both good and not-so-good. At its core, Tøndel has a lot of talent. This film shows his talent and potential to be a good filmmaker in the future. But there’s still a lot of work to do.
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