Raina’s life was threatened after she opened the door and entered an unnumbered room in the hotel run by her sister, Fey. The figure of a woman with white hair and skin also made her presence known. Excerpted from True Story of a Haunted Hotel in Semarang with the Initial “S”. Followed by Panggonan Wingit 2: Miss K (2024). To be fair, I’m not selecting a star rating for this film so as not to influence the user’s “rating”, considering I didn’t finish watching it; I put in about thirty-five minutes (in my opinion, star ratings should generally be given when a film is watched in its entirety). The budget seemed to be in place and the production seemed good, but the writing! And as a result, the acting was less than good or convincing. The dialogue was unnatural and seemed to be just expository for us, the viewer. My eyes were rolling within minutes. I decided early on that another 90 minutes probably wasn’t worth it. But maybe it turned into something worthwhile…
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